2023 wasn’t just another year at Cornerstone... it was a special year. What God has been doing in our church has been nothing short of amazing.

If the people who called Cornerstone Church their home back in August 2020  could have somehow looked ahead into the future and see where we are at the end of 2023—we’d have a hard time believing it.

Just think about what God has done here at Cornerstone…

We’ve welcomed thousands through our doors for worship. Dozens and dozens have made decisions to follow Jesus and be baptized. Hundreds have found connection and purpose through Ministry Partnerships and cGroups. We’ve served our community through service projects and giveaways. We’ve bought property and raised almost $1,000,000 for a total renovation and new addition that will break ground this year.

And we’re just getting started. 2023 wasn’t the culmination of God’s goodness to Cornerstone Church—it was the continuation of God’s goodness. I know you’ll see that goodness on display as you read through this report and see the stories and statistics of life change.

And that goodness isn’t staying stuck in 2023. God’s goodness follows us all the days of our life—goodness that is following us into 2024 and beyond.

I am already eager to see what God is going to do among us this year that will be a part of next year’s Annual Report…more and more examples of how good and faithful and loving and kind he has been to our church. Thank you, Jesus!

Keep Encouraged!
Pastor Jacob Young

I started youth group as a very broken 14 year old, walking down an even more broken path. Fast forward to now, as an 18 year old, who found God and turned my life in a complete 180. 

I always felt a need to fit in, so at church I made it seem like I cared about my faith; but outside of church I was living a not-so God honoring life. During this time, I started serving in Communications at Cornerstone, and that grew into me serving on the Worship and Production Teams as well; but my heart still was not where it was supposed to be.

When I started attending youth group, Madison Higgins began mentoring me and pointing me towards Jesus. For my 16th birthday, she bought me a Bible and my first journal. On December 5, 2021 I made the best decision of my life. I opened myself up to God and started to change my life for the better.

As I started to focus on God, my heart towards serving became a genuine desire to serve the King and to show Jesus to the people around me. My decision to serve is one of the best I’ve made because it helps me grow in my faith and be a vessel of God to others.

When I started youth group, I didn’t imagine where I’d be today. Now as my chapter in youth is ending soon, I’m grateful for the lasting impact it’s had and how it’s helped build a foundation for my faith to grow. 

Kendall Brown

When my husband and I lost our first child due to a miscarriage in November of 2022, I felt like my world had been shattered. I knew I needed help to accept my loss and to have hope that God wouldn’t waste my grief.

When I began going to Grief Share, I was given a safe space to ask the tough questions and just simply to cry. Sue and Rose Marie are amazing facilitators who constantly prayed for us all and made us feel like we weren’t alone. Through Grief Share, I was also given tools to cope with the tough days and difficult situations that arise after the loss of a loved one. I’m so thankful for how God used Grief Share, and I’m looking forward to the future and how He will continue to turn what is a painful situation into something beautiful.

Kristen Minnich

Do I enjoy giving? You betcha! I grew up learning to work hard and be kind. My parents and grandparents were great examples of how to live a life that Jesus would be proud of. I could tell you many stories of helping friends, strangers, even a relative or two. I'm sure you all have your own stories, and I certainly don't want to bore you with mine. However, this is a story that needs to be told…If you have ever felt as if you’re not going to make it in this world; that your car is always going to be a beater; and having a savings account is the last thing you think about, if ever. Then please understand: I've been there. You see, as I was being generous with what little I had, the Lord was watching over me. I didn't realize it then but, He took care of me. How, you ask? I would find money. $20 came flying in the wind to my feet after I had given my lunch money to a friend who didn't have food at home. Another time I had found a bank envelope full of money with no receipt. One day I found four folded hundred-dollar bills lying in the gravel dock area where I worked. There are other examples, and each time I would tell whoever oversaw these places about my find. We would always wait for someone to claim it. No one ever did. God has always made it possible for me to help others. I wish I would have realized it sooner so I could have thanked Him properly then. Each year of my working life I made a little more so I could give more to the church or whatever He would guide me to do. I know He provides all I could ever possibly need. Have faith He will do the same for you. Please remember, even a little bit can and will make a difference. This past year God blessed me with a big windfall and, although it came as a painful inheritance, I know the tithes and offerings I returned to Him will help so many in a variety of ways through the ministry of Cornerstone. Thank you, Jesus!

Marla Fling

A Message from the Finance Team

In 2023, we experienced a decrease in giving due to inflationary pressures and increased costs, which impacted many households. Overall, we have a surplus of $96,000 from over the past three years and are taking proactive measures for 2024 to continue our financial stewardship. We plan to decrease our overall budget spending to ensure we continue to be good managers of our resources while exploring new strategies to increase giving and save money. Our goal is to maintain financial health while continuing to fulfill our mission and serve our community.

Caleb Mason
Executive Director, Cornerstone Church

Cornerstone Church has been the main factor for remarkable growth in my faith along with a deep sense of community. Exploring a few different cGroups and ministries, I discovered fulfillment as a Ministry Partner. In God’s perfect timing, my husband, Caleb, and I decided that we would take on the role as the NextGen Leaders. It took ten months of exploration to find my purpose, a journey marked by trust in God’s timing. Every step felt closer to the unique path He designed for my life.

What sets Cornerstone apart is its unwavering belief that there’s a place for everyone. Trying new and different roles, I witnessed the beauty of opportunities available within the church community. Trusting fully in God’s timing, I found myself exactly where I needed to be. Beyond the spiritual growth, Cornerstone Church is a wonderful place where connections grow. Lifelong friendships have been found through our Young Adult 25/35 Group, creating a supportive family that enhances not only my faith but my entire life. This church isn’t just a place of worship; it’s a dynamic community that creates personal and spiritual growth. I’m so grateful for the impact it’s had on my journey, proving that trusting in God’s timing leads to a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Lauren Mason

Team of 14 delivered 80 homemade meals to shut-ins.

Team of 12 baked and packed over 800 cookies and distributed them to local nursing homes.

Team of 11 arranged and delivered flower bouquets to over 200 nursing home residents.

Team of 10 sorted and packaged 4800 lbs. of food at the Akron Canton Food Bank.

Team of 7 distributed over 1000 lbs. of food at the Akron Dream Center outreach program.

Team of 12 provided gourmet meals to 4 local fire & police stations.

Team of 6 assembled and delivered 225 healthy snack bags to 3 local hospitals.

Team of 13 sorted and delivered over 5,000 lbs. of clothing to the Akron Free Store.

Team of 11 assembled and delivered 400 personal hygiene bags for 400 individuals at local homeless outreaches.

Team of 11 spent over 40 hours landscaping for local Coventry residents.

Team of 20 held a Free Car Wash washing a steady stream of cars.

Team of 8 made over 500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for a local outreach.

Team of 5 prepared food for the celebration picnic.

Local Partners

Eagle Ministries
Akron Dream Center
Kenmore Free Store
Akron Canton Food bank
Akron Canton Homeless Charity and Village

Through our partnership with Akron Dream Center and Eagle Ministries we distributed approx. 80,000lbs. of food to over 2000 individuals in need.

Volunteered hundreds of hours at the Akron Canton Foodbank.

Holiday Help

Provided 80 Easter food baskets.
Provided 75 Christmas baskets.
Provided Christmas financial help to 8 families.

Cornerstone CARE

Frozen Meals Made: 150
Meals Provided: 180
Cards Sent: 560
Prayer Requests: 590
Blessings Gifts Given: 8
Memorial Ornaments Sent: 45
Prayer Meetings Hosted: 2

Other help

Distributed over $6,000 including rent, food, emergency funds, prescriptions, utilities, etc.