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This Is (Not) The End

Well, we made it. It’s the last Sunday of 2020. This stressful, anxiety, fear-filled year is coming to an end. And at the same’s not. You see, nothing magical happens just because the calendar flips to January 1, 2021. The dysfunctions, sins, and bad habits that drug you down in 2020 don’t know that the calendar changed, and they don’t care. Life is marathon, and we must be diligent in our discipline day-by-day, running our race with purpose and intention.

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Divine Detours

Everyone has expectations. Expectations for ourselves, our kids, our bosses, our family & friends—even, and especially, expectations for God. But expectations often don’t translate into reality. And when that happens—when our expectations don't match our experiences—frustration enters the picture, along with anger, depression and hopelessness. But what if we saw our edited expectations as “Divine Detours?” What if we embraced them as opportunities for God to show up in bigger and better ways than ever before?

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Thank It to the Bank

Fred De Witt Van Amburgh, an early twentieth century author and poet, wrote that "Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy." Gratefulness and thankfulness are some of the most precious, prized commodities we can give to others and give to God. And the incredible thing is that as we generously “mint and spend” gratitude, we will find ourselves becoming richer than we ever could’ve imagined.

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A Better Country

After more than a year of build-up, it’s finally here—Election 2020. Unfortunately, this election cycle has become one of the most polarized, vitriolic, and hate-filled in our country’s history. We “cancel” each other over our candidate of choice, and we ruin relationships over political slogans and hashtags. Yes, that includes self-professing followers of Jesus. How can that be? Aren’t we citizens of the Kingdom—strangers in a foreign land, longing and living for “a better country”—a heavenly one? What if we started living out that truth? And if we did, how could it change our country and our relationships for the better?

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how to survive a Horror Movie

We’re the stars of our own lives and we all have a genre we’d prefer the script to follow. Rom-Com, Action/Adventure, Comedy...all experiences we’d like during a well-rounded life. But what happens when the script takes an unexpected turn down a foggy, deserted road? A road that leads to an abandoned hotel or a haunted cabin in the woods? What do we do when we find out the movie of our life has become a horror film? How can we survive the deadly mistakes and wrong turns that have claimed so many others? How can we make it out alive?

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Milk & Honey, Giants & Wolves

God has empowered his people to boldly take ground and further His Kingdom in the world. He promises success—but that doesn’t mean there won’t be struggle. Walking into the land of milk and honey means wrestling with giants and wolves. Are you up for the fight? Are you prepared to step into the promises of God? Then bring on the conflict and the challenge—if God be for us, who or what can stop us!

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The Last Arrow

Imagine doing everything you were meant to do with your life. Imagine coming to the end of it all knowing that you shot every arrow in your quiver and you never gave up too soon. To do that is costly. You will face great risks. There is no backup plan. Everything is required, even your last arrow. Yet it is the only way to pursue life’s deepest joys and greatest battles—with a full heart and an empty quiver.



The Message Bible refers to the Holy Spirit’s arrival and the spread of the gospel as “ a wildfire.” Originally called the Holy Ghost because of his unseen nature, Jesus promised His Spirit would come and gift us the power to live like Him and share the life-changing message of the resurrection with the world. This two-part message series asks the questions: Who is the Holy Spirit? Why do we need Him? How can we be filled and led by Him? Join us Sundays for the answers!

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