Posts in Pastor Donnie
Common Misconceptions // Donnie Sanchez // Ep.5

Because it is not always easy to see or understand, many in the church write off those struggling with their mental health as people who need to "get it together," or we say "bless your heart" as we slowly try to ignore that they exist. The underlying issue in this way of thinking is that we have to meet some specific standard before we are worthy of receiving salvation in Christ. Of course, we wouldn't word it this way, but our actions speak louder than our words. How we treat those struggling with their mental health shows our faulty thinking.

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Common Misconceptions // Donnie Sanchez // Ep.4

True faith in Christ is not passive. It is active. It is because we have encountered Jesus that we live accordingly. Christ has accomplished our salvation, and our response is to repent (turn from our old way of living and turn to Christ) and believe. This type of belief is the same kind of belief that Abraham had. It was a belief that led to action. It was not the mere mental affirmation of doctrine but a deep trust in God. In the same way, our faith in Christ is expressed through shaping our lives according to the Way of Jesus.

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Pastor Donnie has a confession?!

I deeply desire to be right. And I don’t mean somewhat. To the core of my being, I want to know that what I am saying is correct and communicate it in the right way. Now, this isn’t entirely bad. It can be good in some circumstances. For instance, I try to do my very best to ensure that I have knowledge about what I teach our cKidz and our cStudents. To the core of my being, I want to be communicating the whole Gospel.

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