I Took My Problem to Facebook... // Brenda Young

Recently, I was working on the landscaping around my house and ran into a weeding problem. Ground cover that was planted around my house more than three decades ago, by the previous owners, just continues to grow back year after year, no matter my efforts to dispose of it. So, what did I do? I took my problem to Facebook, of course. 

Many of my online and in-real-life friends took the time to care and give me advice. It was helpful and kind to hear from so many. Most of the methods suggested have been tried many times over the years, with little success. But I did get some encouragement to try a couple of things again, and some new things, too. I’ll make it through this year because the growing season for it is over, and I will be spraying every little piece that pops up its head before trying something new next spring.
But that’s not the only good news…You see, I am a better preacher than gardner, and God spoke to me a lot while I was working. Here are two things that helped me:

First, this flower/weed is called the Star of Bethlehem. The star of Bethlehem was the very first announcement of the gospel, the message of Jesus Christ. Colossians 1:6 tells us that the gospel is constantly bearing fruit all over the world and spreading, and it cannot be stopped. Pretty good name for something so persistent and resilient! Made me feel a tad bit warm towards the plant – but just a tad.

Second, I was talking with a dear friend about my frustration and said I couldn’t imagine why anyone would ever plant and allow those to keep growing. She wisely told me that they probably were very pretty in the beginning and there had been no idea how ”wildly invasive” they would be. That’s the phrase the plant guide uses to describe them and advises you to consider that fact before planting them or allowing them to grow — they will get bigger than you ever intended.

My mind grabbed hold of that thought while I was working, and I wondered what thoughts or habits I have in my life currently that are essentially weeds, but I think they’re harmless right now. I asked the Lord to help me identify thoughts that, if left in my mind, would do damage I don’t currently realize or take seriously. I’ve got to be honest with you – confronting a couple of the weeds growing in my mind was harder than pulling up these outside.

I remember my dad telling me when he was in his last year in nursing home care that I needed to be certain to confront any unforgiveness or other issues in my life that I had not dealt with. He said, “When you are elderly and live alone in a room, you live most of the time in your head, and your head can be a very dangerous and scary place to be.” He said that he had dealt with a little of that himself, and watched many people there struggling with issues that should’ve been long ago taken care of.

So, thanks to Jesus, the Star of Bethlehem, and Dad…
More than just my landscape is better today!

Pastor Brenda Young

Care & Counceling Pastor