Lori Jenkins // Testimony

My story started on January 21, 1967. I was raised in a Baptist church and started in the nursery. I was taken to church every single Sunday with my grandma, who taught Sunday School. It was during church camp that I first accepted Jesus into my heart.  But when I was around 12 or 13, it became quite clear that I wouldn't have a place in heaven with all the cussing and smoking cigarettes I was doing; in fact, the steps to my fate were going down, not up. I would leave church feeling dirty and ashamed. I was never going to be perfect, it was a losing battle, and I quit church. I've ALWAYS believed in God, but church wasn't for me. 

I eventually got married and had two kids. That's when Karen Freeman came into my life. We carpooled our kids to school, had conversations about life in general, and, of course, she invited my family and me to church. 

My husband was an Atheist then, and I wasn't ready to go to a place where I would be judged and expected to be perfect. But she and her husband, Mike, offered to take my children on Sunday mornings. That was an opportunity for my kids to learn about Jesus and maybe, just maybe, not repeat what I had done. They took my kids to church for years faithfully every Sunday. Of course, Karen would invite me periodically, but I would turn down the invitation. 

Over the years, I've had some bumps in the road, just like everyone else. A life sentence for my dad, an ugly divorce, the death of my nephew, and a 2-year sentence to prison myself. Who was there with words of encouragement and no judgment at all? Karen. We could go years without speaking, but she was somehow there when I needed her. 

My kids are grown, I live alone, and I go to work and come home to an empty house. Alone with my thoughts, I began seeing what God has done for me in the past 12 years since I got released from prison. Even though no employer would give me a job, I feel as though society will punish me for the rest of my life, and I was afraid of becoming homeless because with no way to pay my bills…little things would happen that would give me just enough money to keep a roof over my head and my utilities on. I know that was God looking out for me, nobody else. And I knew I needed to find a church to go to in person and thank him for carrying me. 

Guess who messaged me out of the blue? Karen. She said she found this church that she thinks I would really like. It's casual; you don't have to dress up; just come as you are. It's laid back and with no judgment. Would I be interested in going? I said I would meet her there Sunday at 11:00. 

I had a good vibe when I walked up to the door and was greeted with, "Good morning, we're glad you're here." Wow, they're glad I'm here, me? I looked and there was nobody directly behind me, so they WERE talking to me! Karen met me, and we went and sat down. After hearing Pastor Jacob, I immediately knew this was the church for me. When it was over, Karen asked if I thought I would return, and I said yes. 

I dig Pastor Jacob, he's a genuine soul, and I can relate to that. He's human like all of us and isn't afraid to share that. His little "smugglers" he and his wife took to see the Mario movie is just one example of his way of making you feel like he's one of us; he's only at the pulpit to share his knowledge to help us understand the Bible better and open the path to Jesus for everyone. 

Baptism is the next step in my journey with Jesus, as I have recommitted my life to Him. I've found my home at Cornerstone Church, and I'm beyond thankful that Karen brought me here and everyone was so welcoming.