Scott Meszaros // Testimony

In the past, I had been to other churches, but I had never really given any thought to the idea of salvation, or even understood what it was.

After I started attending Cornerstone, I came to realize I needed Jesus but kept putting it off. Last year, I started experiencing episodes of severe anxiety. I eventually realized that I could not get through it on my own. I was at my mother-in-law’s house and asked her if she would pray with me. She knew I was in need of salvation and asked if I was ready to finally take that step. I said yes! We talked through some scriptures and I asked Jesus to save me right there!

Since then I’ve been able to grow in my relationship with Jesus, through Cornerstone, by attending the Life Journey Explore & Encounter and Advance classes. These classes have opened my heart to Jesus and have allowed me to experience Jesus in my life on a daily basis through prayer and reading my devotional.
Since accepting Jesus as my Savior my anxiety has pretty much gone away. I’m grateful for everything he has done for me. I can’t wait to see what he will do with the rest of my life!