The Secret to Happy Life, Pastor Brenda Young // Staff

The Secret to Happy Life

Time sure does roll on by! We were just wishing each other “Happy New Year!” and we’re already almost through one-twelfth of 2023. I hope it’s going well for you. My Dad was a happy man. Whenever someone would wish him “Happy New Year!” he had the same response—“I am sure it will be!” He had made up his mind to trust God no matter what, and that gave him assurance that whatever the year contained was in the hands of the One Who loved him most, so it would all turn out good.

He had another secret for a happy life. It was that he was more focused on others being happy than making himself happy. Dad saw himself as the host of every party, the one responsible for bringing joy, hope, and possibilities into every room. Even when he was living in a nursing home himself, he would get his walker out every night and stroll around the lobby and the halls, looking for someone sitting alone, someone who looked like they could use a prayer, a laugh, or a word of encouragement. And he never came up dry. He always found people who were needing just what he had to offer.

He learned that from Jesus. Luke tells us in Acts 10:38 that Jesus went about doing good. Jesus was the epitome of joy because his purpose was to bring life to the full to everyone. Every discouraged and hopeless person who had even a chance to meet with Jesus went away encouraged and hopeful, saying, “I’m so glad I saw him today!”

As followers of Jesus, we can up our own joy level when we do like Jesus—when we go about doing good, focusing on the needs and spirits of others. That’s a great goal for you and me today. I will be a carrier of calm, peace, hope, possibilities, joy, and Jesus everywhere I go. I will look for people who need a lift and provide it. I will get over my moods, and put aside my self-centered concerns, and my negative outlook. I will be the person who leaves the people in my wake saying, “Wow! Thank God I ran into her/him today!” I will intentionally open my heart for God to use me to make life a little more fulfilling and joyful today.

Is there anything on your calendar that you wish wasn’t there? Any meeting or appointment that gives you a little anxiety or dread? Anyone you really don’t want to see? Ask Jesus to fill you with his life and love, and bring a little party into the room with you. Be the unofficial host, making everyone else feel at ease. If you ask him, Jesus will help you have the right attitude, the right words, and authentic interest for the ones you meet. Surprise them with joy and love! The next surprise will be how happy your day becomes!

Spread the Joy of Jesus today!

Brenda Young

Counseling & Care Pastor