Nathan Bennett // Testimony

My start in life with Christ began on July 23, 2021. Years prior I had been attending a youth group. Mostly due to a friend inviting me every so often. I would go for life lessons, learn good morals, and occasionally look at life from a different perspective.

Eventually in 2021, my friend invited me to go to a church camp for a week. While I was there I still questioned my faith. The regulations, restrictions, and other expectations of the ideal Christian life had made me thinking that I was not good enough as well as it put a sour taste in my mouth. I was confused. One week later, Maddie Carden invited me to Lakeside Institute. My two options were to not go at all, or quit my job to attend Lakeside. I, of course, chose Lakeside. It was the greatest decision I’ve ever made!

Through Lakeside I was separated from people I knew, but because of this I also met some of the most charismatic and loving people ever. Through them I realized that Christianity wasn’t about rules, it was about faith and following Jesus’s teachings.

On July 23 2021, I felt the presence of God at communion and that’s when I knew it was time to rededicate my life to Christ.