Posts tagged grow
Danielle Poe // Testimony

I grew up in the church, and I don't think I ever really took it seriously. The old church I went to made me feel like I needed to be perfect to be baptized. So I always avoided it because I thought I wasn't good enough. I left the church when I graduated high school because I planned on partying in college. I thought I would return when I was ready to settle down with a family because then I would be worthy enough. I got further and further from God as the years went on. I drank heavily for a long time and started abusing drugs as well. I was digging myself deeper and deeper into a hole. I was in a dangerous relationship with a dangerous mindset and an even more dangerous addiction.  

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Dawn & Rob Winters // Testimony


God held on to us and we held on to each other, and for that we are so grateful. God made a way to turn our biggest problem into our biggest gift and blessing. We celebrate every single day for all that we have and we thank Jesus for meeting our every single need. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

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